The GOP leadership has waged class warfare on the American People on behalf of the Wealthy
If we were to ask a man on the street, which of the two dominant Parties is the party of the Rich, there is a bit of politically sponsored confusion about it. The Nation a prominent conservative voice uses recent events and multiple data points to suggest it is the democrats that have become the party of the wealthy, but let's be clear: the wealth gap that has grown over the last 40 years since Reagan has come about because of Republican policies. The rightward shift of American politics (those triangulating Democrats!) muddies the waters slightly but the answers to the questions below make it crystal clear who has and who has not stood with the poor, working. and middle class Americans.
Which Party's leadership is most responsible for passing tax cuts who did that help the most?
The short answer: the GOP is the party of tax cuts from the 80s onward. Their tax cuts in 2001, 2013 and 2017 helped the middle class a little and helped the wealthy A LOT! These cuts have disproportionately increased income inequality, undercut the revenue of the government leading to massive budget deficits and hindered investment & funding to essential services like healthcare, education, and infrastructure.
For more details go here
Which Political Party leadership has stood against Labor Unions?
The short answer: The GOP leadership (especially since Reagan) has long been an opponent of organized labor. Labor unions lifted massive numbers of people out of poverty world-wide and built the American middle class after the 2nd world war and throughout 50, 60s and 70s.
For more details go here
Which Party's leadership opposes raising the minimum wage and who do you think that opposition hurts the most?
The GOP leadership has long opposed raising the minimum wage, claiming it would hurt jobs and small businesses—a claim that’s been debunked for medium and large companies, which hide behind this excuse. For these bigger businesses, raising wages might trim profits, but it wouldn't threaten their viability since all their competitors would face the same conditions.
The real impact of keeping wages low falls squarely on minimum wage workers and everyone whose pay would increase if the wage floor were lifted. But of course, raising the minimum wage would help the poor at the expense of slightly reducing corporate profits—and we can’t have that, can we?
Which Party's leadership created the programs: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, every welfare program and the Affordable Care Act and who have these programs helped?
The democratic party leadership is responsible for proposing, passing, and shepperding ALL of these programs into American Society. They comprise the social safety net in America, emulated the world over in every "first-world" nation across the globe.
The republican party's leadership has stood in opposition to each of these programs in their infancy. They have traditionally worked to eliminate them or reduce the benefits they provide often (but not lately!) in a rational way that keeps them from being wasteful. The American social safety net has literally kept hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. The programs help the uneployed, people in need of healthcare, poor people and people on fixed incomes pre and post-retirement.
Which Party's leadership opposes and wants to reduce the benefits of social security and who would that hurt?
The GOP leadership has historically opposed social security and wants to reduce benefits to extend the life of the program often citing the deficit (much of which was created by their massive revenue reducing tax cuts). The possibility of raising taxes to extend the life of the program is a non-starter and of course cutting the program would hurt poorer retired Americans who depend on that money. Seeing the pattern yet?
Which Party opposed and voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act and who would that have hurt?
The Republican leadership opposed it and voted to repeal it 60+ different times. Those votes were largely political/symbolic except for once, because they didn’t have the votes to repeal it. Having 45 million people in the Affordable Care Act as of 2023-2024 the ACA has attained to the status of a true entitlement and GOP leadership would face massive political repercussions if they tried to repeal it now. The ACA benefits the unemployed/under-employed under medicare age, the poor and anyone with pre-existing conditions.
Which political party has governors refusing to allow federal funding for medicaide and who are they hurting by doing so?
Only Republican Governors did this and there really is no explanation except cruelty to and discrimination against their poorest constituents especially given that some GOP Governors have allowed the funding (removing the excuses for those that have not). As per usual the ones being hurt here are the poor and for literally no good reason.
Which Party's appointed supreme court judges ruled to allow unlimited money into our politics via the Citizens United case and who has that helped?
Conservative judges appointed by Republican presidents made the ruling that opened the door to unlimited money in electoral politics. This decision guarantees that the priorities of the wealthiest will dominate every legislative session. For election winners, that money becomes either a tempting lure or a constant threat, depending on where they stand.
In Summary...
The Republican Party leadership has at every juncture helped the wealthy grow and protect their wealth as their first (and at times it seems only) priority while opposing programs that keep Americans out of poverty:
- by tax cuts (decreases availabiity of that revenue for entitlements and debt reduction),
- by undercutting the ability of regular folk to bargain for wages and benefits(that in turn reduces costs to business and grows their profits),
- by keeping the minimum wage as low as possible (decreasing costs to business and growing their profits),
- by opposing and trying to reduce entitlements of every kind that keeps vulnerable populations out of poverty,
- having appointed judges who rule in favor of big business interests and have allowed virtually unlimited money into our politics.
It is difficult to see how real solution to Class inequality comes through the Grand Old Party.